Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our first dinner out with Ethan and Noel . . .

Most of y'all know that my father passed away recently, and though it was an unexpected and sad event, he was able to come up and see the boys.   These were his first grandkids and he was able to hold the boys, feed them and hand them over to us when they needed a diaper change.

My dad was also able to experience first hand how we're getting bolder and braver as each day goes by.  Some decisions prove to be learning lessons (reference previous post on our walk) and some prove to be pleasantly surprising, such as our first adventure out to dinner with the boys.

Upon my dad's arrival, we decided to try and go to dinner with the boys.  After feeding the boys, we head over to a restaurant around the corner that is typically deserted and figured would be easy to get in and out.  Instead, we arrived to a crowded restaurant with slow service, an awful combination.  That being said, we ended up having a great time.  The boys slept through most of dinner, my dad told us a bunch of stories about being a new dad (I need to ask my mom about a "blow-out" in the Albuquerque airport, apparently).  Overall, it was a fun outing and we're excited to do it again!

We'll miss you, Bucky!

Taking a walk with a couple of unexpected left turns . . .

So, this walk was almost a month ago before the snow and other life events took over.  It was a lovely sunny day in Dallas and we decided to take the boys on a walk.  I had taken them out the day before and it was such a lovely experience.  Well, we decided to add a few variables into the mix.  And by "we" I mean me and by "variables" I meant, "let's take the dogs with us!". Add to that the fact that we were pushing into a feeding time and you can see where this is headed....

Things start off good, Ethan is happy, Noel is wearing his sunglasses and throwing his best "what's up?" hand gesture....

Then it went downhill.  We had made it a block or two before one of the dog leashes gets caught up in the stroller, Ethan starts crying and Bruce (a man of great expectations), begins to see the reality of our experience versus the one he'd envisioned.  We decide ti squat on someone else's house and feed Ethan.

Bruce takes charge of the feeding...

While I manage the dogs.  Notice the leash pulling on the Starbucks cup about to tip over into the stroller.  In my defense, it was an iced beverage and the stroller was empty.

Thirty minutes later, we get back home and it's anyone's guess who is the most exhausted...us, the boys or the pooches.  Lesson learned...when it comes to walks, it's either babies or dogs and never the two shall meet.

Oh, and here's a picture of us, the boys and our fantastic nanny, Weezie (Louise, but kids always call her Weezie).  We are so thankful to have her in our life and she's instantly become a part of the family.