Monday, August 30, 2010

Ethan and Noel - Quick video on their 8 month birthday!

Playing around with the new iPhone yielded a nice opportunity to capture just how adorable Ethan and Noel are as we celebrated my 42nd (yikes!) and their 8th month birthdays this past weekend. Managed to get smiles out of both of them in just 16 seconds.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Brudam's First Family Trip

It's been remarkably hot this summer in Dallas and we've been relegated to the confines of our house for the better part of July. We decided to head West to Colorado for a few days in an effort to beat the heat.

It was a lovely trip out there and the boys traveled with ease on the plane. We couldn't have asked for better weather, though given the choice, we probably would have left out the bookend Emergency Room visits from our trip. Bruce's mom had an unexpected fight with an elevator and she lost, resulting in a broken leg. She;s recovering rather nicely, all things considered, and ever the bright spirit she is, hasn't complained once.

Our other trip to the ER was for Bruce, who decided to listen to his Survival Instinct and bail on the first hill of the mountain bike trail we were just beginning. I mean, we are not even 60 seconds into "Rose Petal" (I'm serious...the trail was called for Rose Petal and was the beginner trail that merged in with the slightly harder trail, "Butterfly Kisses", about a mile away).

ER trips aside, the boys really enjoyed themselves, as did we all. Here are a few pics:

The crisp air on a bare bottom:

The Brudams on the Mountain Top:

Their first Gondola ride:

Ronnie and Ethan on a walk:

I think Noel sees a bear:

Extreme Baby Adventure: