Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Miscellaneous Pics - January, 2012

Some extraneous shots - January, 2012 edition . . .
First up, a couple of shots of Dad on his own during one of Pai's infrequent overnight work trips . . . enjoying new ritual of pre-bedtime "Finding Nemo" (now that they're 2+ years) right up until the 7:29 PM moment when they were hungry for a late night snack in the form of strawberries.
Next up, a hysterical picture of the boys upon waking up early on a Saturday morning . . . we'd heard some light rumbling, which led to giggling . . . when Dad finally made his way towards their room he encountered the sight below . . . the boys, newly potty-trained, clearly banned together to make a very clear statement about how they felt about their future relationship with diapers . . . cute stuff:

Lastly, some baby model shots as we tried out some different clothes in advance of our 2 year professional shots . . . also a good indication of just how long their respective hair had grown - Noel's working the side curl while Ethan is working a full on shag (and a super crying expression):

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cooking with Pai!!!

We had a school project for the boys that involved us cooking with the boys. We made two recipes and they had a blast helping measure, pour and mixing ingredients.

Noel is his newest role, Project Manager. Here's he's saying, "ETHAN....ETHAN....no, put the flour here! Ethan...no, put it here!" And I'm not exaggerating...he constantly tells everyone what to do and where to go these days:

The boys were totally into feeling the soft flour:

Mix it up, mix it up, mix it up together....

Noel pointing out where the sweet potatoes should go:

Ethan likes to be fastidiously clean, so the flour on his shirt was NOT pleasing him:

Noel: "Guys, if I want it done right, I'll just do it myself."

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Big Boy Haircuts!

Haircuts have always been a source of "push n pull" in the Brudam Brigade household . . . Pai has always been a big fan of "as long and shaggy as their hair can get," while Dad has been yearning for a something a bit more sculpted for quite a while.
As we headed into our 2 year photo shoot, Dad got his wish and we took what's become an annual trip to Miss Ginger, the Park Cities specialist when it comes to the "3 & under" crowd. Our first visit (well documented within this blog) was not our most successful day, but we're happy to report that the 2 year haircuts were spectacular successful.
Ethan went first and literally walked right in and climbed into the chair with no direction . . . he was entertained by a Thomas the Train video and sat patiently without a peep. Noel was up next and it went similarly - he took a toy plane and a protein bar with him for his haircut journey and it was over before he had a chance to get uncomfortable.
Definitely some cute pics to summarize the outing . . . Noel in the chair, a couple pics of each boy beaming from their car seats, post-haircut, and a home shot where you can really get an idea of the finished product. The haircuts definitely transformed them into big boys!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Moving into big boy beds...(With Full Video)

I just finished converting the cribs into their transitional beds. Afterwards, the boys kept saying "broken!" as if their cribs weren't right. That being said, they were really into checking out their new digs as demonstrated by the video below. I hope this isn't foreshadowing what tonight is going to be like.

Check it out and we'll keep everyone posted on how the transition goes:

UPDATE: After a few weeks, during which we experienced a shockingly easy transition . . . we really have been blessed with some incredibly good sleepers. A couple of pics of the boys breaking in their beds and an adorable pic of them cohabitating (thanks, per usual, to Ethan).

Monday, January 2, 2012


As most of you know by now, Uncle David is super passionate about making sure the boys are well-versed in soccer.

Check out the video below of Noel working on his skills over the holiday and a giving a special shout out to Uncle David: