Monday, April 30, 2012

Miscellaneous Pics - April, 2012

Definitely doing some blog spring cleaning today . . . in addition to catching up on our posting, we've found some older entries that were never completed . . . and they're some good ones!  Here's an amalgamation entry with some super adorable shots:

Sweet Pea in a Pod! Ethan, who took over Brady's dog bed, while enjoying a day at Gramma and Papa's.

Do you like our new knick-knacks?  They don't exactly fit the decor, but I think we'll keep them!


A watchpot never pops!

We don't see many of these days (posted 03/13), but the boys did love a co-sleep.

So much so that Noel apparently didn't mind the Ethan-influenced breathing hindrance.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Noel dragging Pai to the top of the Tower!

Now that we've almost completed the first full year of school, we've realized that there is a rotation of three or four locations for class birthday parties.  Luckily for this weekend, the boys were invited to another event at the Flight Museum, a favorite for both the boys and their parents.

Normally, we wouldn't post new pics for such a routine event, but we saw some new behavior from Noelly Canoli that was worth a post . . .

In addition to the normal Flight History and Southwest Airlines exhibits, there is also a large play area for kids that includes a multi-level "flight tower" that reaches 20-25 feet in the air.  Normally, we'd see Ethan tear after an opportunity like this, but Noelly decided to stake his claim to the best athlete title for this particular day, dragging Pai up the tower with him for extra security.  Here's a quick photo series:

First up, an adorable "before" shot with Noelly flashing some dimples:

Next up, Noelly screaming for Pai after making it to the first level on his own:

If you look closely to the upper right-hand corner, you can now see that Pai has entered (sandwiched himself in??) the tower . . . Noelly's little legs are at the top and that's Ethan in his lap . . . Ethan ultimately abandoned the climb, having achieved it in an earlier trip.

Almost at the top!  You can really get a perspective of how how this tower is in this pic, which really shows just how impressive the boys' respective climbs were.   Poor Pai is pretty sweaty by this point . . .

Great shot (if you look closely) of Noelly in the top of the tower . . . SUCCESS!!!!!!

And a final shot of the trip back down with Pai having a good chuckle at the level of ridiculous he's willing to achieve for the wishes of his children.  Impressive feat from Noelly, equally impressive parenting from Pai! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Avo and Uncle Ronny in charge for Easter Weekend - Part 3: Easter!

However, the best part of the weekend was Easter Sunday where the family gathered and the boys were in for a special surprise:
Family shot:

Aunt Suzee came by for the festivities:

The boys see something outside and he "hobbles" like someone they know:

As they walked out they kepot saying, "That's Uncle Ronnie!!"  His cover was blown out of the gate:

The Easter Bunny leaving more treats:

Noel decided to let check Ethan check things out first:

But once he saw that Ronnie had treats he was all in:

Ronnie enjoying a post-costume break:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Avo and Uncle Ronny in charge for Easter Weekend - Part 2: Dallas Aquarium!

Next up was a trip to the Dallas Aquarium.  For those of you that have never been, you start out in the jungle up top and work your way down until you're underwater looking at the underwater creatures:
Starting up top:
Looking at some monkeys:

The boys are captivated byt he underwater tunnel where the sharks swim overhead:

Hanging with Uncle Ronnie:

Friday, April 6, 2012

Avo and Uncle Ronny in charge for Easter Weekend (Part 1)

Catching up on some blogs we never got around to posting:
We're incredibly fortunate to have such a wide support structure around us . . . not only do the boys have a great appreciation for extended family and friends, said extended family and friends allow their Dad and Pai to maintain a pared down travel schedule, taking a couple of weekend trips per year on our own.

In celebration of Pai's birthday and our 3 year wedding anniversary, we headed to San Francisco over the long Easter weekend to enjoy some time with Kitty and Mike Burn.  Avo and Uncle Ronny stepped in to own the majority of the boys' workload for the weekend . . . this is the first of three posts covering their activities for the weekend.

First up, Noelly and Uncle Ronny having a mid-afternoon cuddle . . .

Cute pic of the boys, posing with their new "just my size" chairs, courtesy of Avo!

Ethan with one of the boys' favorite toys, their trusty fire truck:

Next up, a completely adorable picture of Avo and her grandsons . . . all three of them look so charming in this pic.

Last up, Uncle Ronny showing us just how difficult it is to chase after a couple of two year olds over consecutive days!