Monday, September 7, 2015

Ethanol's First Day of Kindergarten at our New Seattle School - Bertschi

I just found this in our draft folder - I mean - they look SO young compared to the first grade photos we just posted.  

This was our first day at Bertschi and they were so excited.  I remember how nervous Bruce and I were walking into a school that he amazingly got us into well after acceptance letters were released.

Noel - ever the goofy kid

This was when Ethan really started going for the slick hairdo (Also note: Noel holding a spaghetti squash?!?!?)!

Ethan LOVES his brother!

Walking up to the school.

Noel meeting Claire, his assistant teacher.

Looking back as this was a year ago - it's amazing how great this school is - they've met some great friends and has been really great at shaping their view of the world.