Saturday, October 26, 2019

School Photos - 2019/2020 (Fourth Grade)

This summer, I concocted a new "thing" I wanted to try out (I'm sure everyone is shocked by that statement).  Historically, when buying the boys' clothes, I buy a bunch of stuff, bring it home and put it in their closets.  Not much input comes from them and they haven't really cared about the art of fashion.

This year, Avo was in town right before school and I wanted to take them shopping.  So, we headed downtown and split up with the boys.  I took one to one store and she took the other and we switched midway through.  It was amazing to watch them pick out their own clothes.

Noel - he surprised me with having any opinions on clothes for someone whose fashion sensibility would historically be described as "comfort-driven."  He picked a variety of clothes and you could tell he was very pleased with many of his choices.

Ethan - he was hilarious.  Avo and I experienced the same thing - it was as if we were his personal shopper.  We'd walk with him and he'd say, "oh - I'll take one of these (hands us a shirt), and one of these (hands us pants).  Oh - I'd like this, but could you find it in a medium?"  Classic Ethan.  

Cut to Fourth Grade Pictures - they were super excited to pick out their own outfits and we also were able to style their hair in a way that lasted the day until it was time for picture.  Usually, they comb it in the morning and by the time pictures come, it's a center part disaster.

Ethan - he went with a handsome red plaid shirt, grey pants and high tops (you can see those in the class photo):

Noel - initially, Noel those a very "Dude Bro" outfit.  It was a camouflage button-up shirt, torn jeans and high tops.  It was actually a well-curated outfit, just more fit for a night out in Los Angeles than for school photos.  He ended up with a nice plaid shirt, pants and high tops as well:

Friday, October 25, 2019