Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Flying Into Double Digits!

Can you believe the boys are 10????  It's amazing to think about the day they came into this world.  It was a crazy day for us all, including their first helicopter ride - so it only seems fitting that they fly on their 10th birthday.

Finally using, a gift from Ronnie, the boys each invited a friend and we headed to iFly, an indoor skydiving experience.  We were a little worried that we'd get there and the boys would back out - they do have a history with being risk averse as highlighted below:
  - Noel and Bruce waited an hour for the CARS ride at Disney only for Noel to back out at the literal last second (followed by one of Bruce's proudest parenting moments ever)
 - Ronnie convinced the boys to go to a haunted house and as they arrived, Ethan got spooked by the fog machine in front of the haunted house and said, "Nope - not happening!"

We were hoping the fact that they were going with their friends and that would give them the social support to overcome any trepidation they might have.  

We arrived, checked in and sent upstairs to await our turn.  The thing about iFly is that you watch other people doing this before your turn.  Which can be fun, but also might make one nervous.....and looking at Ethan, you could see his face and his brain analyzing the experience.  He started asking questions, and thankfully, Bruce just kept reassuring him that it's safe, fun and "I will push you into that tunnel, goddammit!" (the last was really my comment, it's just better for my likability if I ascribe it to Bruce).

So - we're up and we all file into the holding area for our turn and Bruce and I are looking at the boys.  Definitely some nerves, but they are still on-board.  Each person gets two turns - the first turn is about getting your bearings and figuring it out.  And on the cold turn, your can choose to "go high", which is where you go up about 20 feet in the tube.  All four us chose to go high and you can see the results below!

Up first: Adam
We felt like my history in diving would make me a natural.  I started off great and then totally flipped over, smashed into the side and ended up rear up, head down and lacking any sort of grace.  Luckily, I  did better on the second round, which is what the video showcases.

Up Second: Noel
My lack of grace took the edge off - the boys saw that nothing bad could really happen, so Noel was ready to go!  He's the more solid of the two boys and his great core made for a successful first and second round!


Up Third: Ethan
For being a little apprehensive beforehand, he stepped right in - and then his hilarious thin body got whipped around - his legs were like wet spaghetti at first, and then he got the hang of it.  Ethan also gets the award for best facial expressions 

Bringing Us Home: Bruce
And where we thought I would bring the most grace and flair, Bruce said, "Let me show you how it's done!"  Bruce gave us the best form and the best face - he really should be in a commercial for iFly!

Overall, it was a huge success - everyone had a great time and can't wait to see what we do when they turn 20!!  Hint - it won't be actual skydiving.