Sunday, April 18, 2010

Professional Brudam Brigade Photos - 3 Months

Well, after 10 week so of relatively soothable babies, we were bound to have an "off" day at some point . . . at least that what's we told ourselves after our formal 3-month shoot of the boys and our family.  Ethan was definitely having a rough day and posing for pictures was definitely not high on his list . . . Chad and Marci were incredibly patient, even pulling out a pinwheel and crazy sound effects in an effort to draw attention to the camera. 

We did get some good shots when all was said and done . . . I even persuaded Adam to give into his dreaded "family in matching clothes" shots, although I think he secretly liked how it all came out . . . I think these are all pretty adorable

The Full Brigade . . . try and find the bubbles in the second picture, which were the contribution of Chad and Marci's adorable daughter, Morgan. 

Noel at 3 months.  He's really grown into his cheeks and has gained some great weight over the 13 weeks . . . big sweet eyes that keep eye contact through every feeding.  He's got a more pronounced cleft in his chin and some great dimples when he shows us that adorable gummy smile.

Ethan at 3 months.  He has an incredibly expressive face and is able to tell quite a story with each forehead wrinkle.  He's still got those incredibly long eyelashes and Chad managed to capture his favorite "angelic" pose, which is exactly how he sleeps quite a bit of the time.  We threw in "Pauper Baby on a Doorstep" for artistic effect . . . its one of our favorite shots from the day.

The twins . . . we're definitely seeing the connection between the boys more and more each day.  They're definitely best playmates and fluctuate between their undying love for their fathers and ceiling fans. 

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