Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Day of Firsts: First Swim!

Sunday had another first for the boys . . . first swim!  It's actually been a fairly cold and rainy spring season in Dallas in which we've had very little sun on the weekends.  Sunday was really beautiful and the first hot day we've had, so we didn't want to miss the opportunity to see how the boys liked the water before another big first next weekend:  First Family Vacation! 

The results of the first swim experience is perfectly captured in the pictures below . . . Ethan seemed very focused on the cool temperature of the water and didn't really ever relax to the point of enjoyment.  Noel, however, seems to take after his Pai and loves the water . . . Adam pulled him around the full perimeter of the pool while Noel kicked and giggled non-stop.  Definitely a fun day for the Brudam Brigade!

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