Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Joys of Playtime

We recently joined a place called "Kidville: The Ville for Kids" and it's been great. The boys take a class called "Little Maestros" every Wednesday and it's singing, playing, story time and tiny bubbles all within a 45 minute span.

The boys are stimulated - possibly overstimulated - and then crash into a lovely nap afterward. There's also a delicious cupcake/cakeball establishment next door that we may or may not frequent.

With our membership comes access to the open gym, where the boys can explore, knock over and do pretty much anything they want to. Check out a few videos below:

Noel climbing through a tube and then backin' it up. Check out Ethan in the background in the last 15 seconds.

In the last 5 minutes of class, the boys just went crazy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it they are so big now and will be even bigger when I get there. When Ethan ran by I was slapped back into reality that they are almost one and half. Love the little videos the kids were like I want to go play there. LOL
