Monday, September 19, 2011

First days of school at St. Alcuin . . .

The boys started a Toddler Program this Fall at St. Alcuin. It's a Montessori School, which, contrary to what Ron thinks, does not require a vow of silence, but is a great learning environment that encourages independent thinking, self-reliance and a sense of community.

Ethan and Noel are in separate classes and this is essentially the first time they've been apart from each other for more than an hour. Below are a few pictures from their first weeks along with some amusing dialogue from Noel's teacher (Just an FYI...Ethan's teacher talks to us about Ethan at the end of each class, so we don't get these types of emails. Noel's teacher doesn't like speaking "about the student in front of the student.")

Day 1: This picture just oozes "Prison Yard" - you can just see Ethan asking Noel, "What are you in for?"

"Noel will stay from 8:00-9:00 one more day; I felt his tears were the 'sad' kind. We could distract him a little and he seemed to enjoy being outside, especially trying to push the wheelbarrow.


P.S. Noel's shorts were extremely tight when I tried to push them down and pull them back up – perhaps you have some that are more loose in the waistband that he could wear to school. Thanks!"

Day 2: "Noel spent most of the morning in the garden – he went straight from the hallway door to the garden door – hoping to see Ethan. Ethan came out about 20 minutes later. However, Noel did join us for a language lesson for a short time."

Day 3: Things seem to get better with the boys, however, I needed a little direction from the teacher:
"There were some tears again this morning. Standing at the fence across from each other seemed comforting one moment and then one’s tears would set the other off the next moment. Noel tried to crawl under the fence to get to his brother! He was interested in a ball, the broom and the trike. 9:30 tomorrow! Let us receive Noel at the door, rather than you stepping inside the classroom. Thanks."

Some pics of Ethan eating with friends and watering some plants:

Day 6: "The boys were on the playground together for about 15 minutes this morning. The boys have seen each other through the gate or fence but this is the first time really together. Noel found Ethan in the sandbox and turned around to point out to me that he was there. They spent the entire time running the length of the playground with Noel in the lead. Ethan was weepy when Noel came back to the garden and Noel gave Ethan the sweetest wave goodbye without tears. :)"

That one just broke our heart...Ethan is usually the "tough guy" of the two and it was sweet to see that Ethan really needs Noel.

More to come!

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