Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Potty Training - the early days . . .

In looking through the blog entries tonight, came across this unfinished post from back in October . . . cleaning up and posting what has been most assuredly one of the most beneficial deicions we've made as parents . . .

Back in October, when the boys were only 21 months old and had been in school for exactly 5 weeks, Noel's teacher approached us with the news that Noel was "showing interest in potty training." Pai gets full credit here, as he was encouraging from the outset . . . Dad, on the other hand, thought all parties involved were cuckoo crazy, having never heard of potty training kids so early. Reluctantly, Dad ultimately relented thinking that we could always revert back to diapers if it didn't work . . . a thought that prompted Noel's teacher to reply, "Oh, no . . . once we start this process, there will be no going backwards!"

Well, I'm sure it won't be the last time that our incredibly boys proved Dad very wrong . . . though the results were certainly mixed, both boys adapted relatively quickly to the concept . . . I guess there's something to be said for watching older kids use the bathroom for 4 hours each and every day.

Pics below are from our earliest days . . .
  • Ethan, legs akimbo, staring back (likely instead of peeing) with acceptance and light resistance at the same time
  • Noel displaying the perfect Montessori behavior . . . completing his "task" by disposing of his results
  • Both boys, using our downstairs "seating" and showing off their new talents

What a great parental lesson in not underestimating what your kids may or may not be ready for . . . definitely planning to take a greater number of "leaps" in the future.

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