Wednesday, November 9, 2016

School Photos 2016-2017

A little brightness for your day.  School photos came in and the boys win again for most photogenic! See below for solo photos and class photos.

Notes on Noel's class photo
- Jack: in the denim jacket and Timberland boots - Jack is here for 2 years from England and you can see the mischief in his eyes.  The other day I asked why he was dressed so sharply and he told me he'd entered a hip hop dancing competition and won second place.  When I relayed this story to his mother she let me know there was no such competition.  I loved how Jack gave himself second place to add validity to the story (anyone else would have gone too far and said 1st place)
 -Sid (to Noel's left): adorable to boot and a total nice kid all around
- Theo: totally looking longingly into the distance

Notes on Ethan's class photo
 - Abe (back row, glasses):  the sweetest kid on earth with the voice of man who smokes a pack of Marlboro reds every day
- Fabiana (front row): Love her one leg up jeans look and will forever be the girl who got kicked in the face by her Capoiera teacher ("Aw, Fabiana got kicked in the face....)

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