Friday, April 16, 2010

Attack of the twin virus!!!

Let's all say together, "It's been a while since we've last posted..." It's true, babies take up a lot of time. We totally thought they'd be like managing plants and they've turned out to be more like managing me (poor Bruce).

Looking back at pictures of us with the boys over the first two months, there's a watermark of panic on our faces.  Being a month or so from those pics, I can admit - without much shame - that there's a lot of fear in our eyes. There's a picture of Bruce trying to smile his best and his eyes tell all - "WTF did we get ourselves into?!?!"

But here we are, well into month 3 and we're running the show now, not the boys. The night nurse is gone, the boys are on a pretty set feeding schedule and sleeping at least 7 hours a night. For those of you without kids, it's still a tough gig....they go down at 8.00p, so that means up at anywhere from 3.00a to 5.00a for a feeding. For those of you with kids, you totally know how great of a gig that is at this age.

We were rolling along nicely until earlier this week when Noel picked up some sort of bug. Maybe it was at Baby Pilates or when Bruce went to Baby Zumba, I forget.  But about two nights ago, Bruce was enjoying a lovely feeding when Noel looks at him and effortlessly emptied the entire contents of his stomach all over Bruce.  And what we thought was just a one time incident (and Karmic retribution for me laughing at said spewing) repeated itself.  Onto me.  Twice.  Resulting in Noel and me finishing the feeding in similarly skimpy outfits.

Then came the Domino Effect that was unknown to us before kids.  It seems that when the kids get sick, it's inevitable that we will as well. In the nearly four years that I've known Bruce, I've never known him to get sick. Clearly, whatever Noel has, Bruce picked up and for the past two days he's has only gotten out of bed twice and consumed a total of 50 calories. And then last night, while handling the last feeding, Ethan looked at me, puked and then gave a very snarky chuckle, as if he knew what he did, the little bugger.
All signs point to my impending weekend of illness. And don't tell Bruce, but I'm an AWFUL patient.  On the upside, he gets to take care of the early morning feedings, fetch me a few milkshakes and I can catch up on The Real Housewives of .

Another post to come soon (ha!) with pics of the boys.

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