Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day of Firsts: First Solid Foods

It was definitely a big weekend at our household . . . first up, solid foods!  After weeks of "should we/shouldn't we" discussions, we decided to press ahead and start the boys on formal feedings of rice cereal. 

First up was Noel, who surprisingly resisted all muscular effort to digest food . . . we'd think that we hit a successful spoonful or two, only to discover that our youngest son has pockets for cheeks . . . when all was said and done, I'd say we maybe got a 1/4 teaspoon down.

Round 1:  Noel!
Brudam Grade:  D

Next up was Mr. Ethan, who is known for normally having the fourth largest appetite in the household.  Much to our enjoyment, Ethan seemed to take much more naturally to the spoon and the new muscular effort required to take in food and ultimately swallow it.  While we can't say that we made our target of 3 teaspoons, we definitely had a good series of spoon-to-mouth-to-swallow efforts and we're optimistic that Ethan will take to it in more and more in the coming days.

Round 1:  Split Decision slanting towards Brudam
Brudam Grade:  B+!

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