Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A very special visit for us and the boys . . .

Adam and I feel incredibly fortunate every single day to be able to have the family each of us had always dreamed about . . . when we began evaluating surrogacy back in 2008, who would have thought that we would have met such an amazing person that would help us usher the Ethan and Noel into the world. Kim is a Navy wife and a mother of two children over her own . . . she's funny, honest, straight-talking and was as dedicated to the process as we were. Over the 15 months or so that we were activitely pursuing surrogacy, Adam, Kim and I shared a lot of meals, a lot of bad television and a lot of laughter, which made the process incredibly fun, even when it wasn't easy.

As our delivery/birth complications are fairly well-documented on earlier blog entries, I won't go into them here, but an unfortunate side effect of those complications was that Kim didn't get to spend much time with the boys while we were in California. We'd been working on a trip for her to visit us in Dallas and it finally all came together in mid-May.

Ethan and Noel loved getting re-acquainted with Kim and the sentiment certainly seemed mutual . . . we stayed pretty low-key so that we could all get in some good bonding time, but we did make time to introduce Kim to a mambo taxi (or two) and our favorite Sunday brunch place, Kathleens.

We're looking forward to many future trips with an incredible person without whom our current lives wouldn't be possible. Thanks, Kim and we'll see you soon!!!

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