Sunday, July 11, 2010

Professional Brudam Brigade Photos - 6 months

(posted in January due to previous omission)

We continued our professional photo series with the passing of the 6 month mark for the boys. Chad and Marci suggested that we escape the Dallas Summer heat and head indoors to the Gaylord Texan out in Grapevine for some interior shots (that actually look exterior in some instances). We stll managed to break quite a sweat, but it was worth it for the cute pics that follow.

For the boys attire, we went with a "baby biker" outfit that we had to admit was pretty funny and adorable at the same time. The boys had really started to display their true personalities at this point and Chad and Marci managed to capture that in quite a few of the pictures.

The biggest surprise for us in viewing these pictures was just how brutally the 2nd quarter had taken a toll on our appearance . . . the bags and black circles under our eyes were well-earned after a series of long, long, sleepness nights with the boys, who had really struggled to embrace our intended sleep schedule. It wasn't too long after that we finally turned a corner and they were sleeping for 9-10 hour stretches, but we definitely earned our parenting stripes during the 2nd quarter of fatherhood!

Thanks again to Chad and Marci for really capturing the personalities of the Brigade!

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