Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winter Snowstorm - Brudam Edition

As most of you know and have experienced firsthand, we've been bombarded by ice and snow this week. I was in NYC for a couple of days and Bruce had to take on Primary Caregiver duties. Chez Pai continues to experience good word of mouth and while I was gone, we had a table for two that shared a lovely cheese plate and a nice bottle of 2010 carrot/apple juice blend, courtesy of Chef Bruce:

After Day 4 of the ice and snow, we got a bit of cabin fever and decided to venture down the block for lunch. We bundled up and managed to arrive relatively in tact:

And though we're really trying to wean the boys off the bottle, they were exhausted after walking to and from the restaurant, I made and exception and had a refreshing bottle on their new favorite toy, the PILLOW PET!!!! When you yell PILLOW "PET!!!" both boys go face first and snuggle with it.

And to round out a nice snowstorm, even though we had faucets dripping everywhere, as things defrosted today, we had a pipe burst and water came pouring into our kitchen. As I type, we've got a plumber cutting out random pieces of drywall trying to locate the cracked pipe. Wish us luck...err...wish our landlord luck!!!!

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