Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Punta Mita - Winter, 2011 Vacation with the Boys (Part 1)

The Brigade has headed to Punta Mita for our Winter vacation with the boys . . . and we're happy to report that all has been fantastic. Punta Mita is about 45 minutes outside of Puerty Vallarta and is a commercially made community that contains two very nice hotels and a handful of condominium properties. We're staying at the Hacienda de Mita, which is a beachfront property that is walking distance to the restaurants of El Anclote (original Punta Mita village).
Our unit has been ideal . . . its expansive with plenty of room for the boys to roam and roam they have. The decor had a few too many shiny, breakable objects, so Pai and Dad spent the first hour moving everything into quarantine zone with the hopes we might salvage some of our security deposit.
First pics below of our great lanai . . . big cushy furniture and place we planned to spend far more time until the boys learned how to climb on the railing:

Our daily ritual is to wake up and have a big family breakfast and play around the condo until the boys go down for their morning nap . . . once they awake from that, we all load into our rented 4-seater golf cart (pic coming up in part II) and drive to the members beach club, which has been ideal . . . two heated pools, lots of families, a great restaurant and a very pristene beach.
This has been the boys first beach experience and its been met with mixed results . . . Ethan loves walking in the sand and gets his giggle going when the ocean tide pushes the water over his feet and legs . . . Noel . . . not so much. On this trip, Noel has developed a raspy screech that he puts to good use whenever we try and drag him towards the ocean. He's been much happier romping in the pool and playing in the sand. Series of pictures below from the first few days . . . more to come in Part II . . .

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