Sunday, May 1, 2011

Uncle David Influences the Boys From Afar

One of our fondest memories of the boys' first year was when their Uncle David came for a visit. He was a natural with the boys and the smallest thing sent David into uproarious laughter.

Now, of the many things David wanted to impress upon them - Music (Brit Pop), Hair (Dégagé) and T-shirts (They should touch just at the belt buckle) - nothing was as important as the desire for them to know and love soccer. In fact, despite our "no TV" rule, we came home a couple of times to the boys entranced by soccer matches with a well-placed physical reinforcement:

David adores the boys to no end and we Skype as often as possible. He sends the boys great gifts, including their first soccer kits. Here are a few photos of the boys in their outfits, ready to take the field:

Noel the Defender:


  1. This is a funny and dear post. Love it!
    xoxox to Brudam Brigade and Uncle David,
    Anna, Zoe, Andy

  2. They were adorable in their uniforms. Noel looks like such a big boy! Can't wait to see the Land Clan soon!
