Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another great visit with Kim

When we met Kim back in the middle of 2009, she was the first surrogacy candidate we interviewed and things just clicked from the beginning . . . our times together are filled with humor and genuine friendship, which makes the days fly by. While we've never taken that for granted, as we've met and shared experiences with other parents that have gone through surrogacy, we've certainly come to realize our relationship with Kim is incredibly rare . . . we really do love her like one of our family.

This was Kim's second pilgrammage east to visit the Brigade and this visit was certainly a different experience given how active the boys are at 17.5 months. The boys were immediately calm and affectionate with Kim upon her arrival and within just a few minutes, they were flirting and showing off for her. Lots of fun, simple times for this weekend . . . books, casual meals, and a fun trip to the park. Some great pics below that clearly show just how much the boys adored their trip . . .

First off, some great pics of Kim reading to them on the couch . . . she managed to rope them both into her story for a while, but Noel really hung around to find out how it ended . . .

Next up, a couple of pics from our trip to our favorite park . . . Kim taking Ethan for a ride on his the beetle care and then providing some welcome hands to catch Noel as he came down the slide . . .

Lastly, a pic I love . . . Kim and Ethan being silly out at lunch on Saturday. Kim looks super cute and Ethan looks . . . well . . . sort of intoxicated, but still adorable!!! Can't wait until the next trip!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! This is truly a rare and wonderful relationship. xoxo
