Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2nd Annual Brudam Brigade Vail Trip!

Last month we ventured off to Colorado for our second annual trip to Colorado.

You know, everyone has been impacted by the economy and we had to tighten our belts this year as well. For one thing, we reduced the number of trips to the Emergency Room from 2 to 0. And this year, no private planes were chartered for our Matriarch Milam - Barb had to fly home like the rest of us...in coach...on a commercial flight! For anyone missing the sarcasm, just go here for a recap of last year's trip.

It's amazing what a year does to our family vacation. The boys were amazingly active, ready to take on the wilderness of Colorado and it was great to see them really enjoying themselves.

A few highlights from the trip:

The hills are alive with the sound of Brudam!

Which way to the Widowmaker Trail?

Batting his lashes on the gondola ride down.

Post lunch in Vail - the water was super cold and the boys couldn't get enough. Noel would thrust his face into the water and just laugh:

Cute pic of Rocky Mountain Bathtime:

Noel making the game winning shot against Dad.

Pai and Ethan skipping rocks

Dad and Noel throwing rocks

Our best attempt at a family photo....they were getting a bit cranky.

The house next door had a fountain and it was the highlight of Noel's trip:

1 comment:

  1. I just love the updates, they tickle my heart. I love you all and am so glad your trip was a hit. xoxox Kim
