Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween at HBK - 2011!

What a difference a year makes! HBK, throws a little Halloween get-together each year and its the one time that the whole Brigade gets to visit Dad at work. Last year was our initial effort and it was mildly successful, at best, given that the boys HATED wearing their costumes and had to be vacated after a very brief 30 minutes.

This year, however, was a HUGE hit, both with them and with their Dad and Pai (not to mention Avo, who was in attendance!). While the initial reaction to the costumes was expectedly lukewarm, once we got them in front of the mirror, they realized they were a monkey (Ethan: hoo, hoo, hoo) and a macaw (Noel: flapping his wings), we were in business!

The boys were a huge hit at the party and were incredibly extroverted . . . lots of good pics to choose from . . .

First up: the standard hay bale pic

Next up, Noel experiencing a new food item - lollipops!

Couple of great pics of each boy looking pensive at the window:

Lastly, Ethan went for a wander and located the HBK mail cart . . . he demanded a chauffer-driven tour of the office, which was a good job for Dad! Definitely a fun day all around.

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