Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ethan and Noel's Second Birthday!!

They boys celebrated their 2nd birthday on December 29, 2012 surrounded by many our closest family and friends . . . Gramma & Papa, Avo, Uncle Ronnie, the Godfamily Waid, Sharon & Claire, Chad & Marci and their girls, Karen & Kyle and their girls and several others.
It was a lovely, simple day . . . good friends, some great (yet simple) toys, and some GREAT cake with their favorite theme of the moment - Nemo!
Lots of great shots from the celebration -
(1) First up, a great family shot - again displaing the full length and shag of their current haircuts
(2) & (3) Some great shots of each boy blowing out their respective candles . . . apparently, Dad thought Ethan needed a little more help than was clearly captured in the photo.

(4) A great pic of our favorite little "helper," Ethan - helping to slice his birthday cake.
(5) Noel holding court with some of his favorite ladies . . . Morgan, Claire and Hattie.
(6) Noel and his dueling "Lightening McQueens!"
(7) Ethan showing off his spectacular stacking skills with the Peters clan

(8) & (9) Some cute shots of the boys together, playing and sharing their new toys.

(10) Avo and Uncle Ronnie, giving Noelly a cuddle
(11) Pai and Uncle Ronnie enjoying the new patio while the boys drive around their new tractors
(12) Sunday showing that she can still get her celebration on, even at the advanced age of 15.

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