Today was a spring party for all four Toddler classes . . . it was a party that we co-sponsored as part of the school's annual fund raising effort . . . fun day at the park with food, an easter egg hunt, and a portable petting zoo for the kids. Some great pics below
First up, a rare pic of the boys together (the event photographer painfully tried to get them to pose together), staring at the farm animals as the vendor set up.
Next up is an Ethan series . . . he absolutely loved holding the animals
(1) Chasing the guinea pigs around their container
(2) Holding the baby chicks . . . it was during this phase that he was convinced the baby chicks could "FLY!" So much so that he would hold them high and then drop them into their bucket hoping to see his theory in action.
(3) Look at that face, admiring the baby duck
(4) Here he is after picking up a soft brush (unassisted) and proceeding to gently brush each and every animal in the pen . . . here, he's covering the baby goat.
Next up is the Noel series . . . Noel was slightly more apprehensive around the animals, but he did just fine after some coaxing from Pai and Dad.
(1) and (2) A couple of pics of Noel's unabated joy in experiencing a baby duck.
(3) Noel and a classmate admiring the baby chick from afar.
(4) and (5) A hysterical set of pictures . . . first Noel followed the goose around the pen simply waving at it (from behind). After doing this for a couple of minutes, he literally belly-flopped on to the ground where he (unhappily??) began to pet the goose. Guess he thought it was better to be at eye level for this exercise.
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