Thursday, October 11, 2012

St. Alcuin Garden Party - Fall, 2012

Catching up on our Q4.2012 posts today . . . first up is a post of the Fall, 2012 Garden Party for Noel's toddler class.  This event was bittersweet for us as it came in what were the last days before the boys moved out of Toddler into Primary.  We absolutely adored Noel's guides and took every opportunity to spend time in his classroom.  The school was always very accommodating when we had these events, so you'll see SweetPea Ethan participating as well . . .
Pai and Noelly doing a little mulching

Pai and both boys a sthey transitioned into some planting

Lastly, a very telling photo of Noel's class as it existed at the end of his tenure - our little comparable giant

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