Sunday, April 13, 2014

Punta Mita 2014

We made our fourth trek out to Mexico for Spring Break and it's amazing how much changes with the boys each time.  They went from being these little wobbly boys who didn't want near the water and now they can't get enough of it.  Bill and Barb went with us this year and it was a great trip from beginning to end.

Here's a little series of the boys having a ball in the water:

Noel and Ethan "helping" Papa with his jigsaw puzzle:

Noel kept finding the perfect piece and knew exactly where it went!

Ethan acting as project manager on this year's sand castle project.  Pai was the general contractor:

 Last day family photo shoot.  Ethan grabbed the camera and told me to make a funny face:

Then he gave Noel the camera and struck this pose:

Finally, we got everyone together for a nice photo:

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