Saturday, March 14, 2015

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 4: Family Pictures!

OK - last post from our great Punta Mita trip from 2015 . . . to close, some great individual and collective family photos from the condo . . . fitting end to the summary of our lovely time.
Brudam Brigade in full joy mode . . . love Ethan covering his face from the giggle . . . 
The four kids, who were thick as thieves throughout the trip . . . 
Danielle with 3 of the 4 kids . . .

Photo of the 4 parents for our adults-only dinner out . . . 

Annual pre-departure pic of all 8 of us . . . Ethan is not here for our photo taking

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 3A: Fine Dining . . . and then this happened!

Ethan has always been the more adventurous eater of two boys, but our family dinner out in Punta Mita took things to a whole new level . . . 

Ethan has started to love fish and made up his mind that he wanted lobster for his dinner . . . after a quick Dad & Pai discussion, we decided, "damn the price, let's let him go for it!."  We expected a polite plating with a single lobster tail with masses of rice and other food to mask the handful of lobster bites . . . but no . . . instead, we received the ridiculous bounty below!  Lobster for days (or weeks!) . . . 

Ethan was so proud of himself and his dinner choice!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 3: Fine Dining!

Punta Mita has just enough restaurants for us to make it through the week without repeating and there's not much opportunity to expand.  Here are a few highlights from our favorite meals . . . 
The standard Ethanoel pose - Ethan leaning in, arm around Noel with Noel grinning.  Love this one.

Gluttony . . . too . . . many . . . chicken . . . nuggets!!
Milam family dinner . . . Daddy and Noelly.
. . . and Ethan and Pai!
Last big night family dinner . . . lovely picture of Danielle
And the whole gang, approaching sunset.

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 2A: Beach . . . err, Pool Time with Grant!!

Came across this pic late in the process and just loved it . . . no idea what they're discussing about, especially given Grant's involvement . . . could be brilliant advice as to how to best swim underwater from one end of the pool to the other, could be a new song with which to annoy Daddy and Pai, could even be how to burp the alphabet using the fewest number of breaths.
From the beginning, Grant (and Mia) has taken the time to relate to the boys and include them in all activities - the affection from Ethan and Noel is pure and deep and it's something we hope our boys are able to pay forward in the future . . . 

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 2: Beach time!!

Tons and tons of beach time during the early-middle part of our week's stay . . . perfect weather and growing confidence from the boys with the ocean . . . 

Noelly's pure joy splashing around . . . 

7 in the water, 1 enjoying the shade in a lounge chair . . . guess the 1??

Ethan, Noel, Mia and Grant enjoying some calm waters . . . 
Ethan, a bucket, and a big smile!
Master Sandcastle Builder, Pai Milam, and his helpers . . . 
Noelle enjoying some down time with Daddy (who is shockingly in the shade)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 1: Arrival and First day

Since the boys were a year and a few months, we have made an annual spring break trip to Punta Mita . . . seeing the boys grow and embrace the various activities available have provided for great memories and we love that it's all captured in this blog . . . 

For 2015's trip, we had one of favorite families, the Shroyers, join us . . . Dan and I (Bruce) became great friends working together at HBK and we slowly introduced our respective families . . . lots of laughter and affection across the 8 of us, which made the basis for a fantastic trip . . . here's part I . . . 

Noelly on the plane enjoying his PB&J and a good video.

Incredibly adorable picture of an angelic Ethan . . . 

Noelly enjoying our annual immediate trip to the beach upon initial arrival

And Ethan, sporting his prized straw hat, which will come to see a lot of action over the coming week

Mia and Grant Shroyer, who are sooo incredibly great with and inclusive of the boys, getting in on the beach action.

Giant Sand Ethan!

Annual picture of Ethan and Daddy enjoying some warm towel time in the beach chairs