Thursday, March 12, 2015

Punta Mita 2015 - Part 3A: Fine Dining . . . and then this happened!

Ethan has always been the more adventurous eater of two boys, but our family dinner out in Punta Mita took things to a whole new level . . . 

Ethan has started to love fish and made up his mind that he wanted lobster for his dinner . . . after a quick Dad & Pai discussion, we decided, "damn the price, let's let him go for it!."  We expected a polite plating with a single lobster tail with masses of rice and other food to mask the handful of lobster bites . . . but no . . . instead, we received the ridiculous bounty below!  Lobster for days (or weeks!) . . . 

Ethan was so proud of himself and his dinner choice!

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