Friday, December 16, 2016

Ethan's Reading Time

We have the boys in such a great school - they create so many opportunities for parents to be involved.  It's less about big events like Bake Sales and School Auctions and more about frequent times for parents to come in, be a part of the community and then get back to their day - it makes the kids feel important and the parents feel connected.

While our Wacky Wednesday isn't until January (keep your eyes peeled for a post on that), Bruce went in for Reading Time earlier this week and he had such a great time.  The kids are split into groups (based on the number of volunteers that day) and they spend 30 minutes reading to kids from books selected by volunteer's children.

Ethan was so proud to pick out his books - he showed me his books before heading off to school and said, "You know 'Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus' is a good book because it has this silver medal on the cover." (Referencing the Caldecott Sticker on the cover).

The picture below is so awesome - Bruce is having a great time and Ethan is so engaged and proud.  Though, apparently Fabiana (Of "Awww - Fabiana got kicked in the face" fame) wasn't as impressed as she simply got up and wandered off shortly after this photo was taken.

And a sentimental shout out to Ethan - he told his teacher he wore his Buccee's t-shirt in honor of his Grandpa Buck that day.   Sweetest kid ever!!!!!

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