Friday, April 27, 2018

Punta Mita 2018: Part 3 First Snorkeling Trip

As mentioned in previous posts, while we got to the same place every year, the trip is never the same.  This year the boys were all about being active - paddle boarding, boogie boarding and going on walks.

They also expressed an interest in snorkeling and so we embarked on this new adventure.  WE did tell them that once we pay for this, we're in for the long haul - and they were on board.

The day we went was beautiful, but a bit windy making the waves pretty big.  Not three minutes in, we hit our first wave and Ethan wants to throw in the towel.  However, once we showed Ethan how to  look out for waves, he calmed down (unlike the ocean) and we made it out to the Marietas Islands for a super fun adventure.

Our captain drove us around, showing us the native Blue Footed Boobies (you can imagine the fits of laughter from the boys) that inhabited the island.  The island is normally dark brown, turning white over the years from all of the bird poop - another highlight for the boys!

After touring caves and enjoying calmer waters (photos below) - we left into the cold water and snorkeled for 30 minutes before it become too cold for the boys.  We saw clown fish, puffer fish, needle nose fish and angel fish, just to name a few.  Overall, it was a huge success for our boys that are becoming better risk takers!

Ethan in a more relaxed state once we were at the island

Noel taking in all of the boobies
Said Blue Footed Boobies
The boys in a cove

All of us in a cove!
Ethan like La Ventana (The Window)

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