Sunday, July 24, 2011

Professional Photos - 18 Months - Outtakes!!

And now for a peek behind the curtain to see how the magic was made . . .

As I stated in the last post, this is was by far (and by far, I mean by FAR) the most difficult shoot of the 6 to-date due to the fact that the boys just wanted no part of it. In looking at the 100 or so final pictures that Chad forwarded, there are no more than 5 where even one of the boys are smiling and absolutely none of just the two of them together due to the fact that one of them was screaming, eating or crying at all times.

We all kept good humor and relied on Chad to get the best pictures he could, but I must admit that we were as (or more) entertained by the outtakes he was able to get, some of which were hysterical . . .

First up, the "crying toddler" setup, combined with a crying Pai:

Secondly, the "can't sit still" setup, where the boys not only refused to situate into a set pose, Noel then decided to arbitrarily stuff his fist into Pai's mouth. Not sure what's going on with Ethan . . . seems like he's giving us a little "tough guy" with this look:

Next up, Noel's phooooooooooooooootobooooooooooooomb!!! At this point in the day, we'd thrown up the white flag with regards to involving the boys in the photos and thought we'd get a nice shot of the Knippa side with Dad. Noel then apparently had met his fill of Gramma, Papa and Shawna and decided to wander over and crash on the soft concrete . . . an odd, odd, funny shot:

Lastly, a super adorable shot of the boys giving us a clear non-verbal that they'd definitely had enough. This pic is definitely a keeper:

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