Sunday, July 24, 2011

Professional Photos - 18 Months

We've been incredibly fortunate to have some very good friends, Chad and Marci Peters, with some incredible photography skills. It's hard to believe it, but this 18 month shoot was our sixth session with Chad and Marci and we were excited to include the expanded Brigade with us for this one, including Gramma & Papa, Avo, and Uncle David, who was visiting from Hong Kong. Chad found a great location for the shoot in a event rental warehouse near Fair Park - great space with interesting decor that provided a great backdrop for our shoot.

The shoot itself went a bit differently than we expected, as the boys were definitely not in the mood to sit still and we spent the majority of our time trying to distract them with toys, blankets, pacifiers, and food with the hopes of getting at least a few good pics. It is definitely a testament to Chad (and his fast camera!) that we ended up with a ton a great shots on what was definitely our toughest shoot to-date.

Up first, some great expanded family shots . . . it's definitely tough to get this group in the same city, much less the same room, so we took full advantage and took numerous pics of the expanded family:

Next up, some great individual shots of each of the boys . . . Ethan with Uncle David's gifted soccer ball and Noel with his second best friend (after Ethan), his blanket:

This shoot didn't provide many opportunities for a family shot of the Brigade (despite our many, many attempts) . . . below is definitely our favorite one of the day, interesting setting and good perspective of the boys side-by-side:

The next two pics are definitely our favorites of the day . . .

  • Dad with Noelly Canoli, who is giving a little "over the back of the couch" charm

  • Pai with Ethan (Pea Pie), who is definitely flashing his brightest smile of the day

Next up, some great shots of the boys with their respective grandmothers:

  • Gramma and Ethan, snapped just after she used her special powers to calm him. Such an incredibly sweet picture . . .

  • Avo and Ethan, who is giving us a great tussled hair look

  • Avo and Noel, both looking adorable

  • Lastly, some immediate (upper) family pictures, taken late in the day when the boys had declared that they would no longer be participating in our silly picture endeavor. We were definitely glad to get these pictures as a bonus to the 18 month shoot.

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