Thursday, January 12, 2012

Big Boy Haircuts!

Haircuts have always been a source of "push n pull" in the Brudam Brigade household . . . Pai has always been a big fan of "as long and shaggy as their hair can get," while Dad has been yearning for a something a bit more sculpted for quite a while.
As we headed into our 2 year photo shoot, Dad got his wish and we took what's become an annual trip to Miss Ginger, the Park Cities specialist when it comes to the "3 & under" crowd. Our first visit (well documented within this blog) was not our most successful day, but we're happy to report that the 2 year haircuts were spectacular successful.
Ethan went first and literally walked right in and climbed into the chair with no direction . . . he was entertained by a Thomas the Train video and sat patiently without a peep. Noel was up next and it went similarly - he took a toy plane and a protein bar with him for his haircut journey and it was over before he had a chance to get uncomfortable.
Definitely some cute pics to summarize the outing . . . Noel in the chair, a couple pics of each boy beaming from their car seats, post-haircut, and a home shot where you can really get an idea of the finished product. The haircuts definitely transformed them into big boys!!!

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