Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Miscellaneous Pics - January, 2012

Some extraneous shots - January, 2012 edition . . .
First up, a couple of shots of Dad on his own during one of Pai's infrequent overnight work trips . . . enjoying new ritual of pre-bedtime "Finding Nemo" (now that they're 2+ years) right up until the 7:29 PM moment when they were hungry for a late night snack in the form of strawberries.
Next up, a hysterical picture of the boys upon waking up early on a Saturday morning . . . we'd heard some light rumbling, which led to giggling . . . when Dad finally made his way towards their room he encountered the sight below . . . the boys, newly potty-trained, clearly banned together to make a very clear statement about how they felt about their future relationship with diapers . . . cute stuff:

Lastly, some baby model shots as we tried out some different clothes in advance of our 2 year professional shots . . . also a good indication of just how long their respective hair had grown - Noel's working the side curl while Ethan is working a full on shag (and a super crying expression):

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