Sunday, February 26, 2012

Professional Photos - 2nd Year Edition!!!

It's pretty hard to believe that we're taking our second annual family photo. Just looking at our 3-month photos and even last year's family photo it's crazy how much things have changed. Noel was still trying to master walking last year.

This year, Chad and Marci took us out to a great little farm on a chilly Sunday morning. It took a little while to get the boys warmed up and we got some great pictures. And we were SO happy to have Kim in town the same weekend as the photos. One of the best pictures of the day was of the five of us.

Latest and greatest family portrait:

The boys looking adorable:

Noelly the Ham:

The many sides of Ethan:

Noel gave us a smile only after the promise of candy:

Look on the sides of the couch for some Reese's pieces:

Our favorite pics of the day!!

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