Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break 2012 - Punta Mita - Days 1 & 2

For our third Spring Break with the boys, their first since starting school, we decided to return to Punta Mita, exactly replicating our great trip from 2011. It's a great location that lends itself to a very simple trip with the boys - sun, sand, heated pools, a great local nanny and a really great condo with lots of space to spread out.

We've just completed our second day adn I thought I'd post some pics from the trip so far . . .

First up, some super cute pics of the boys in their big boy seats, required by American Airlines now that they are over the age of 2 . . . both boys are in firm possession of their most cherished security object - a pacifier for Ethan and a blanket for Noel. All in all, our travel was uneventful - the boys snacked, watched Cars on the iPad and made it through each and every one of our planned activities, spanning puzzles, flash cards, and sticker books. Only one brief outburst from Noel when we wouldn't let him roam freely, but otherwise a success!

Next up, a series of pics from our first couple of visits to the Punta Mita Beach Club . . . more to come later!

  • Noelly, posing with Daddy, while he puts away some cashews, his favorite treat of the moment

  • Pai with Ethan, screaming with excitement over just returning from playing in the surf

  • The boys getting ready to set sail in their "toddlers only" sea kayak!

  • Lastly, a great shot of Pai with the boys on the beach

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