Monday, November 9, 2015

School Photos 2015 - Kindergarten

We blinked and the boys are now almost six years old.  It's hard to believe the boys are in Kindergarten and enjoying life in Seattle at their new school.  Dad and Pai came into the boys' new school environment with understandable apprehensions based on the fact that we left such a fantastic school experience in Dallas.

Fortunately, all of our concerns were for naught . . . the boys each ended up with a tremendous duo of teachers that really took time to get to know their distinct personalities.  They've integrated into their situation seamlessly . . . definitely been our biggest point of relief.

I mean - look at this pictures - they tell the full story on their own . . .

6-year old Sweet Pea . . . I mean, does this kid ever take a bad picture??

Noelly at 6 is definitely showing signs of transitioning into a little man - that missing front tooth is priceless.

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