Saturday, November 21, 2015

2015: Profressional Photos - 6th Year Edition - Now in Seattle!

After making the move to Seattle, it was very important to us to continue our family tradition of annual family photos for the Holiday Cards . . . while we left this year to the (very) last minute, all ultimately worked out well.  We found a solid photographer that directed us to Discovery Park in the peak of the fall leaf turning season.  Adam found us some solid Seattle-esque attire (the boys' vests are my personal favorite) and we got lucky that the sun broke out in November right at the start of our session.

We could have posted 20 shots from this shoot due to the boys' great mood and creativity . . . and if you look closely, you'll see that we captured Noelly just after he'd lost his front teeth.

Great day and some great shots . . . 

Family pic - Denim and flannel
Daddy and a very giggly Noelly

Happy Pai and Happy Ethan

Art designed 100% by Ethan himself . . . he'd never seen leaves that large in Texas

Family pic at eye level . . . Noelly going with the catalog pose

Daddy and Ethan deep into the woods

American Gothic

After ~10 sessions, the boys have definitely figured out how to create some great shots.  This one, again, was 100% their pose 

Two best friends walking down a tree-laden road . . .

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