Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Gift Highlight: Pie Face

As you know, we continue to be sporadic and without continuity in our posts this year - you might see a post from Christmas followed by one of our summer vacation, so bear with us.

The holidays were awesome all around - relaxed, no travel and enjoyed time with family and friends.

We have a lovely tradition of opening gifts and eating throughout the day - no huge frenzy that allows us to really enjoy the day.

One of our other tradition is Uncle Ron's gift giving.  Always from a good place and sometimes from a place of questionable judgement, he takes on the role of Uncle in the right way.  His gifts are a mix of ones that might be a hair too old for them (reference motorized ATVs at first Christmas and  motorized Mini Coopers for second Christmas) with ones that are spot-on.

This year's gifts contained one that I (Pai) was dubious of and ended up being the HIT of Christmas - Pie Face.  No explanation needed - just watch the videos below:

I decided I'd go first thinking "It won't set off on the first try - I was wrong:

Then Noel showed us no-one really loses - whip cream in the face is a delicious way to lose:

Then Ethan took a turn:

And Uncle Ronnie finally got in on the fun:

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