Friday, April 8, 2016

Punta Mita 2016 Part 1: Beach Time!

Punta Mita has become a family tradition since the boys were a little over a year old.  It's a great week of beach time, relaxing and just being with a myriad of friends and family.

We've watched the boys grows - each year getting more adventurous.  We went from loads of loafing around the first year to body boarding and looking for sea glass. five years later.  Long gone are the days of leisure - now it's full days of activity without a moment to rest.  And this year, they opened a new beach club and we had a blast exploring it all:

Pai turning Ethan into a Merman


A close-up shut of Ethan in all of his Merman-glory:

Noel chose to be buried and wait for high tide:

Still waiting for high ttide - and in looking at this picture, he probably needed a new coating of sunscreen...

Stay tuned for more....

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