Monday, April 11, 2016

Punta Mita 2016 Part 4: Best Friends

The boys' relationship is definitely different than most other sibling relationships.  Twins don't know any differently - they came into the world together, literally sharing a space since before they were born.

Often times, they entertain each other, wandering off and playing in their own world.  One day at lunch, they decided to eat on their own and found a cozy lounge chair to let their meal settle.  They were just sitting over there - talking about who knows what, but they were perfectly content in each other's presence (It made me a little weepy typing that sentence).

A few minutes later, we turned around and they'd made a new setup on the wall.  Not saying a word and just enjoying the view - and each other's company.

We often tell people - the relationship with each other is the most important thing to them.  And that picture pretty much sums it up.

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