Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First Day of School 2016 - 1st Grade

Today was the first day of school for the boys.  The summer was super fun all around - loads of camps, trips and general loafing around.   Though, we realized about 10 weeks in that the boys were around each other 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - more time than any two human beings should be around each other.  They really weren't too bothered by it until the end and you could see it wearing them down.

So when the first day of school came around, they were super excited.  Ethan laid out his clothes perfectly and Noel chose his comfiest pair of pants for the special day.  Speaking of - apparently, we didn't document last year's first day, so we'll rectify that and update with a reference link so you can see how much changes in a year.

A few pics below of the big day:

Noel picked up this "cool guy" pose that neither of us has seen before 

Ethan LOVES his brother

We finally got a great pose!

 And then we said "Go Crazy!!" - Noel went with "Cool Guy" pose again

Ethan at his new desk decorating his name - he was so happy to see his friends again!

And Noel in his new class - he sat next to the new kid iand immediately starting talking to him - very sweet and inclusive.

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