Monday, September 27, 2010

First tortilla!

Earlier their 8th month, we introduced the boys to their first solid foods . . . first puffs (see earlier video), then pancakes, which we sadly failed to capture on film. This past weekend, we gave the boys their first tortilla and we weren't about to make the same mistake . . . enjoy the photo series below of Ethan having his first warm, flaky tortilla.

First pic . . . happy to see something new on the table, confidently mastering the hand to mouth exercises that have been his big focus during the 8th month . . .

Second pic . . . not quite sure of the texture . . . where's the crunch that he's become so accustomed to with his Puffs?

Third pic . . . clearly a big success and clearly proud of himself!

P.S. For those that have categorized Ethan as "the thinker" from his pics, this is a perfect example of the Ethan that we constantly enjoy off camera. He's a charmer, for sure.

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