Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life is easy - Dad stacks the cups, Ethan and Noel get to knock 'em down!

Firmly at the 8.5 month milestone and the boys are making incredibly strides . . . in the past couple of days, Ethan has learned to speak (Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da) and both boys are progressing from the army crawl to full on climbing . . . over each other, over Pai and Dad, over swings . . . we're definitely seeing incredibly fun bursts of personality and we're learning a lot about what's be fascinating to the boys before they had the benefit of movement.

Their favorite activity currently is knocking over anything that is stacked . . . attaching a quick video as Exhibit A, but its incredibly charming to move to the other side of the room, stack the cups and wait for the to notice . . . huge smiles and normally a huge competition to try and arrive to the stack first and slap it down (ARGH! CRASH! BOOM!) with a look of self-satisfaction.

We're in a very charming stage . . . hope everyone enjoys this.

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