Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ethan's Productive Night

We made it back from vacation refreshed and renewed, though Avo left Big D with a stomach bug and Weezie got the same thing last night, leaving Bruce and I on our own today. I took the morning off and had a super fun time with the boys. Bruce's afternoon shift had the boys in a much less agreeable mood. The boys turned cranky - it might have been teething or not feeling well - and I came home to a desperately tired Bruce.

We sort of threw our hands up and decided to just countdown to bedtime. We let Ethan have a free for all in the kitchen and he discovered a roll of paper towels. He was thoroughly content for at least 20 minutes.

And environmentalists, fear not, no trees were wasted in the this scenario as they were all used to clean off Ethan's face after a rather unsuccessful attempt at dinner. I wanted Ethan to eat. He didn't. I think we know who won....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Pics

And last post of the day....some pics of the boys in the bath and a few of Ethan...

Daytime outings with the boys

Just a few pics from our recent adventures with the boys. The first is with Claire and Noel at the Arboretum, then Noel not sure of what to make of the swing and then the boys on the slide.

Outtake from Halloween Pics

Uncle Ronnie came by after Halloween with his favorite accessory...a fake severed head. Ethan was enamored, Noel not so much...

Ethan Loves Books!

Well, he loves crawling more than books, but whatever. On his adventures in climbing anything and everything, Ethan found himself stuck in the book basket. Quite a cute picture!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy babies waking up from their nap . . .

We're pretty fortunate to have two boys that eat when and what they're supposed to eat and sleep when they're supposed to sleep. They love their morning and afternoon naps and normally wake up in great moods . . . today may have been the best wake-up experience of all. I heard cooing in their room and realized it was laughter as I got closer to the room . . . I cracked the door to see Ethan standing in his crib facing Noel, who was laying down, peeking right back at Ethan through the slats of his bed, stretching his arm out as far as he could . . . they were smiling and giggling at each other and I felt that it would have gone on for quite a while if I hadn't been made. Ten months has been a great age . . .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Outtakes from Month 10

A few pics from Month 10. GIven their newfound mobility, keeping them seated, especially in an annoying costume, wasn't terribly easy.


"What? No, I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"I'm outta here!"

Noel Month 10

Noel was a tiger and occasionally, when asked to roar, he'd let out a "raaaaaaawr." It was super cute and he seemed much more into the costume than Ethan.

Month 10

Month 9

Month 8

Month 7

Month 6

Month 5

Month 4

Month 3

Month 2

Month 1

Ethan Month 10

The boys' first Halloween was fun, but rather uneventful. We made a trip up to Bruce's office for their company celebration. The boys were the hit of the party, though Ethan couldn't quite figure out what was on his head.

Month 10

Month 9

Month 8

Month 7

Month 6

Month 5

Month 4

Month 3

Month 2

Month 1

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall at the Arboretum

We took some photos at the pumpkin patch recently and while Noel was all smiles, Ethan found comfort in eating the tasty hay.

Bath time for Noel

One last photo in their infant bathtub. Given we've gone well past the weight requirements, here's a farewell look at Noel in his first tub: