Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy babies waking up from their nap . . .

We're pretty fortunate to have two boys that eat when and what they're supposed to eat and sleep when they're supposed to sleep. They love their morning and afternoon naps and normally wake up in great moods . . . today may have been the best wake-up experience of all. I heard cooing in their room and realized it was laughter as I got closer to the room . . . I cracked the door to see Ethan standing in his crib facing Noel, who was laying down, peeking right back at Ethan through the slats of his bed, stretching his arm out as far as he could . . . they were smiling and giggling at each other and I felt that it would have gone on for quite a while if I hadn't been made. Ten months has been a great age . . .

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