Friday, December 31, 2010

Ethanol's First Birthday!! (has it really already been a year?)

It's been quite an amazing journey this year for the Brudam Brigade. What was expected to be a three day jaunt out to California - that turned out to be a three week journey - really reset our bearings for what family life was going to be.

We celebrated the boy's birthday with family, friends and, of course cake. We all had a blast and couldn't have wished for a better way to celebrate. Here are a few pics:

The boys with the Waid family....Ethan and Noel could not get enough of the balloons and it took some real strength in order for me to get a turn to play with them as well:

Avo, Weezie and the boys...

Bill, Barbara and Travis...

Singing Happy Birthday to the boys....

Sussing out the cake....

Testing out the cake....

LOVING the cake....

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