Monday, January 4, 2010

The Best Laid Plans - Our First Lesson in Parenting

Well, we decided to start a blog as we begin this great journey through parenthood. It's amazing how different our life has become in about a week and we wanted to share it with our friends and family.

A wise woman once said she knew of a great saying in respect to parenting - "Be prepared to be unprepared." Mind you that woman (Avo Rita) heard it from her own son about an hour earlier when she asked us what our parenting mantra was going to be. To her defense, this was after a few glasses of sangria, so we can cut her some slack. Well, truer words have never been spoken as we were prepared for three or four days out in California and completely unprepared for what is now looking to be more like 2 weeks.

We showed up on Monday, December 28th, feeling excited and nervous. We met Kim at the Dr's office for a quick meeting and set a time for the delivery. We were to show up at the hospital at 7.30a the next day and deliver at 10.15a. By 11.00 we'd be holding babies!

The next day, we arrived at the hospital excited and nervous. We had a ton of support with us . . . Gramma and Papa Milam, Avo Oliphint, and Joanna, plus all of the support we had with us in spirit, "Buck" Knippa, David and all of our extended family and friends . . .

Finally at around 9.30a they wheeled Kim off for prep and Bruce and I were left alone in the room in our HazMat suits.

They finally came to get us at about 11.00 and were escorted into the room. When we walked in, all we saw was Kim's head looking back at us. She looked a little uncomfortable, though we were more concerned with getting to the other side of the room without seeing her innards.

It was honestly all a whirlwind after that. I really feel that by the time we got settled in, they were calling times of birth (11.30a Ethan, 11.32a Noel) and we both heard cries. Being the emotionally stoic of the two of us, I was rather intrigued by my instant connection with the boys and the desire to protect them as they cried during the initial examinations.

Well, after they were cleaned, weighed and measured, we thought we were in the clear. However, we were about to learn that our ride was just beginning....

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