Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting acclimated and making introductions . . .

Its been a great first couple of weeks at home . . . loads of great family and friends have stopped by the house to meet Ethan and Noel and check-up on how Adam and I are coping with new parenthood. Here are some highlights from the first few weeks . . .

-Avo (Rita) was our first in-home visitor and was quickly joined by a ton of Adam's clan . . . Great Aunt Suzee helped with a first feeding,
-Uncle David had a great couple of days with the Brigade before heading back to Hong Kong . . . fantastic to have shared this experience with him before he headed overseas and the boys LOVED him.
-Patricia & Dan all made their way to the house for one of our first meals home . . . and Ethan thanked Dan by "leaking" all down the front of his dress shirt!

-The boys' sweet Gramma holding Ethan

-Sharon and Claire were so great to bring us lunch during our first week home . . . Claire was so sweet to the boys

-Godparents Travis and Denise made their way to town with "Godsisters" Teal and Collette on our second weekend home . . . great time together and an amazing meal (filets and king crab) made by T&D.

-Grandpa Buck made his way to town on the third weekend to meet the latest additions to the Knippa family tree

-Uncle Ron seems to adore the boys as much as we do . . . he's been by more than anyone and has even played "weekend night nurse" for us on a couple of nights, which has been much appreciated.

-Self-proclaimed "Duchess Shawna" made her way to town over the first weekend and got to see us in our acclimating mode . . . trust us, Shawna, we're much more competent now! :)

Thanks to everyone for the meals, stories and great visits in our first few weeks.


1 comment:

  1. Adam - Those babies are so cute! And so lucky to have you and Bruce as parents! Amy
